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Pattambi recent comments:

  • Kootayma Kottapadam, Ashique (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Useful add. A visit to the place is a bless
  • Hidayathul Muslimeen Madrassa ( هدا ية ا لمسلمين مدرسة ) ADD BY IBRAHIM.M.K (BAVAS), anvar thottungal (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    No doubt the هدا ية المسلمين المدرسة ,played a considerable contrast to give islamic education for Kodumunda people , the building got recently renovated. hello Mr IBRAHIM, from the wikimapia it is seen that you have got a skill in arabic typing !!! keep it up........ don't forger to pray to the almighty to shower his blessings to all our brothers who live different areas "Thanks are for Allah Who has guided us to this. We could not truly have been led aright, if Allah had not guided us." (Al-A'raf 7:43) الحمد لله نحمده ونستعينه ونستغفره، ونعوذ بالله من شرور أنفسنا وسيئات أعمالنا، من يهده الله فلا مضل له ومن يضلل فلا هادى له، وأشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، وأشهد أن محمدا عبده ورسوله، صلوات الله وسلامه عليه، ورضى الله عن آله وأصحابه الذين آمنوا به وعزروه ونصروه واتبعوا النور الذي أنزل معه، أولئك هم المفلحون. أما بعد فإن أصدق الحديث كتاب الله وخير الهدى هدى محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أيها المسلمون أوصيكم ونفسي بتقوى الله تعالى وطاعته وأحذركم ونفسي عن عصيانه ومخالفة أمره ، فالكيس من دان نفسه وعمل لما بعد الموت والعاجز من أتبع نفسه هواها وتمنى على الله الأماني ، واعلموا أن الجنة حق وأن النار حق وأن الله يبعث من في القبور. الحمد لله الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لولا أن هدانا الله
  • Kuruvanthody house, unni (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Madhavan Ehuthachan and Thankammu Teacher along with 5 kids( Leela, Radha, venu, Hari and Unni) lived here.
  • Sree Hari (Thekkethil House), MURALEEDHARAN (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
  • Bavas House, undefined (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
  • Subashettans's house, Raj: (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    This is situated atKavil Padi, Kannannor.
  • GLPS kalladippatta, hareesh (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Gov.LP school kalladippatta
  • Kerala Kala, Rajesh (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Useful info
  • Government oriental higher secondary school,Pattambi(Perumudiyoor) by basheer KV, vinod menon p a (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    one of the few schools in Kerala where Sanskrit is one of the language
  • edayoor vayana shala, shafi (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    this my place
  • Manjula house, Anil Kumar (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    This is my Native House.
  • Statue of Naraanathu Bhranthan, omer eladath (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    i visited this site in 3/1/2007 itis realy fantastic in direct view thulam 1"st is a great day for this aria"people
  • Choonda Thodi Ayisha Ali Add By Ibrahim.M.K (Bavas), ibrahim bavas (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    hai faizal
  • Gopala Krishnan Add By Ibrahim. M.K (Bavas), bavas987 wrote 18 years ago:
    hai gopal
  • Choonda Thodi Ayisha Ali Add By Ibrahim.M.K (Bavas), bavas987 wrote 18 years ago:
  • Ali Vengottil House Entrd By Ibrahim.M.K.(Bavas), bavas987 wrote 18 years ago:
  • Abu Kolmannil entrd by ibrahim.m.k.(bavas), bavas987 wrote 18 years ago:
  • Shanthi Nagar,Mele pattambi, Ragam (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
    Ragam Santhi Nagar
  • P.T Bhaskaran,Unikkatt House, Jithesh (guest) wrote 18 years ago:
  • P.T Bhaskaran,Unikkatt House, Sojan (guest) wrote 18 years ago: